Welcome to Ridgewood!
We are glad you have found us! We at Ridgewood Church are a multi-generational community of believers from different religious, cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic backgrounds.
We simply are nothing more than real people, living in a real world, serving a real God, who are joined together for a common cause: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We would be honored for you to be our guest this week as we will gather this Sunday morning for a 10:40 a.m. service and a 12:00 p.m. fellowship luncheon.
You can also hang out with us on campus this Wednesday for a 6:00 p.m. Bible study.
Feel free to spend some time finding out more about what to expect when you visit us by browsing the information below.
We hope to see you soon!

What To Expect
We are a Church Growing Together
Ridgewood Church is a Church that is focused on growing community across generations. Thus, there are a few things that may look a little different for guests with previous church experience. Just know that we at Ridgewood are nothing more than real people, living in a real world, serving a real God.
No Age-Graded Ministries
Believing that all people, from infants to the elderly, benefit from relationships of all ages and that every Christian is a valuable contributor to the body of Christ, we do not segregate each member of your household to ‘age appropriate’ or 'life stage' classes. Instead, we all at Ridgewood worship and learn together on the Lord's Day as one big family: the family of God.
Children are Welcome
Children are welcome in the worship gathering. In fact, it is encouraged. We believe it is the parent’s duty to train their children to participate in cooperate worship which includes worshipping through song, tithing, prayer, and actively listening as the Word of God is taught. (Deut. 31:12-13; Ezra 10:1; Matt. 18:1-5; 19:13-15; Eph. 6:1-4; Col. 3:20). You may hear cooing babies or small voices during the gathering. These times are a great opportunity to rejoice ‘for to such belongs the Kingdom of God’ (Mark 10:14) and are an opportunity to ‘bear with one another’ (Col 3:13). If at any time you feel that your child might be a distraction to others and needs more of your attention, you are welcome to take them to several areas set up for your convenience that have video and audio feed.
The Lord’s Supper
We conclude each of our services by taking the Lord’s Supper. While we do practice open communion (non-members are welcome), we do ask that the elements only be taken by professing, baptized believers who are in good standing with their local church (Acts 2:43-47; 1 Corinthians 11:23-24).
The Bible is Our Guide
Since we believe that the Bible is God’s word and is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice, we practice systematic exposition in our preaching ministry. Our music is chosen not based upon style or personal preference; rather it is prayerfully selected based upon the text of Scripture that is being expounded during the gathering (Acts 2:42-47; Colossians 3:16).
Fellowship Meal
After the service, we invite you to join us for a fellowship meal. The families of Ridgewood have brought food for their own household and extra to share with you. We think worship is about more than just music and preaching. Fellowship is one way we endeavor to ‘encourage one another’ in our Christian walk (Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25).
Home Worship
Worship inside the home is vital to proper fellowship with God, and with those inside your family. Ridgewood purposes to provide households with the tools they need to adequately disciple those whom they hold most dear. No matter the make up of one's household, we are all called to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Resources to help you with Home Worship:
Here is a link to learn how to memorize Scripture through songs. A monthly Scripture Song is learned and sung by the congregation during Sunday's gathering - our "song of the month."
In case you are not comfortable having your children with you in the church service, here are some Suggestions for Helping Your Children in Worship.
Here is a link to a great book on the history and practice of home worship.
We use the Truth and Grace Memory Books (TAG) to teach children of all ages doctrine, songs of the faith, and scripture memory.
At Ridgewood, we use Lifeway's Baptist Hymnal, available for purchase for home use here.
We also use Crossway's ESV Bible as our primary text. Read the ESV Bible online here.
Our Location
Our church is located at 2920 Lake Arthur Dr, Port Arthur, TX 77642.